Saturday, 16 January 2016

Mae Mawashi Geri Shotokan Karate Video

 A good exercise for front leg round house or mae mawashi geri.
1. Both karateka start from left fighting stance.
2. First person kick three left leg mae ashi mawashi geri, be sure to touch the target and try not to let the arms move out from the body. mae ashi mawashi geri
3. Second person kick three left leg mae ashi mawashi geri, be sure to touch the target and try not to let the arms move out from the body.
4. First person kick three left leg mae ashi mawashi geri, after each kick land and execute gyaku zuki (reverse punch).
5. Second person kick three left leg mae ashi mawashi geri, after each.....Click Here for the rest of the article

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