Tuesday, 13 February 2024

Shotokan Karate Online Classes

 Shotokan karate online has just released a huge online shotokan karate course.

This shotokan karate course includes everything needed for your first 6 months karate training including an online test.

Click Here to check out this MASSIVE online karate course

Saturday, 4 May 2019

How To Tie Your Karate Belt

Naka Sensei explains how to correctly tie your karate belt. Many shotokan karate Dojo use one of these ways but check with your sensei

Shotokan Shizentai Yoi. Natural or Ready Stance

Yoi ( Natural Position Or Ready Position)

This is the position we go to after the karate bow (rei)
In Heiko-dachi, the feet are approximately shoulder width, outside edges of the feet are parallel. This is also a basic ready stance in Karate.

Shizen-tai or Yoi Dachi – natural position

Shizen-tai or yoi dachi translates as “natural stance” (literally, ‘natural body,’ or ‘natural body stance’). In Shizen-tai, the feet are shoulder width apart, toes pointing forward.

The karateka stands up straight, facing forward. While in Shizen-tai, the karateka is usually in the yoi (ready) position, arms slightly in front of the thighs, fists clenched.

In some karate styles, shizen-tai is the same as heiko-dachi.

Here is a video showing Yoi (ready position)

Monday, 13 August 2018

Learn Karate Online? How To Kill or How To Live?

People learning karate today have a massive amount of content available online, some good, some not so good. in this article I would like to talk about attitude when the proverbial Doo Doo really hits the fan.
The founder of shotokan karate, Master Gichin Funakoshi, said, ‘The ultimate aim of the art of Karate lies not in victory or defeat, but in the perfection of the characters of its participants’.
Other Karate sensei preach Ikken Hissatsu (To kill or finish with one blow), which is correct?
Read More..............

Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Yin and Yang Powerlines In Energy Transfer

I must admit that when I first observed certain energetic characteristics that emerge in the process of generating force within karate technique I focused mainly on final stage of the movement (kime). Even though I was aware of distinct phases within each technique I didn’t realize the extent to which the direction of spiraling force reflects the energy involved in the process and not just the mental intention leading to kime. That somewhat imbalanced approach made me miss crucial aspect of the energy transfer within the body, while intense nature of kime itself and subtle character of mind/body connection in general posed additional challenge. In my defense, I believe it is reasonable for the scientific approach to involve some trial and error.

Different pieces of the puzzle finally fit together when I realized that the polarity of energy lines changes during technique and is determined mainly by the nature of creating energy within movement, the process which involves the use of the ground. That means that muscular activation is always simultaneous with formation of yang powerline regardless of which stage of completion the technique is at or in which direction the body is moving. Read More...................


Friday, 15 December 2017

Gyaku-Zuki or Reverse Punch Shotokan Karate Tutorial

Gyaku-zuki or revers punch is one of the first moves that a karateka will learn, early on in their karate practice. This punch is very strong, an advanced karateka combining great technique, kime (focus), timing, body weight and body rotation, can deliver a devastating blow with this karate technique! There are several ways to practice reverse punch, the basic principles remain the same, the differences come when applying the punch. When practicing karate kihon, karateka will more often than not, take up a long zenkutsu-dachi (front stance), when practicing kumite (sparring), the stance will be higher and shorter in length. With a basic reverse punch from front stance, both arms are utilised. So as the punching arm begins it's forward motion, the hikite (pulling arm) begins it's pull back. In self defense, this is not a good idea, so for sparring and self defense, regarding the arms, just the punching arm is used.

Description Below Related To The Gyaku-zuki Video Tutorial Kihon Gyaku-zuki
 1. Migi zenkutsu-dachi (right side front stance) . Right arm extended out straight into the tate-shuto (edge of the hand) position and left arm in the hikite position. (see image) Punching gyaku-uki with the left arm. Body and hips are in the hanmi (side facing) position.
2. Drive from the back leg, through the left hip and begin the punch.
3. The left punching arm remains palm up until the elbow loses contact with the body, then start to rotate the left fist and forarm clockwise.
4. At the same time the punching arm starts to drive forward, you also drive the left side of the body forward.
5. When the arm starts to punch and the body starts to rotate, you also drive the hips around and forward.
6. When the arm starts to punch and the body starts to rotate, along with the hips, you also start to pull with the right hikite arm.
7. As the punching arm finishes the rotation, everything else also finishes. The body and hip rotation and the right hikite arm. So your body is in the shomen (Square) position.
8. Try and have an explosive start, but stay relaxed through the movement.
9. Breath out as you punch
10. At the completition of the punch, kime (focus), Tightening the muscles throughout the body for a split second, then immediately relaxing but keeping form.
11. Try not to push the right front knee out as you punch. What should happen is the front knee should come inwards slightly as you tighten the front legs inner thigh (controversial:))
12. As in the video you can then snap back to the starting position, with the body once again, in the hanmi (side facing) position.
13. IMPORTANT When striking fast, remember to hit with intent!

Self Defense Gyaku-zuki
1. The stance is higher, no use of the hikite pulling arm, but everything applies as above. Gyaku-zuki Tip There are three different strikes within the one punch (refer to the gyaku-zuki video).
1. Ura-zuki (upper cut/dig)
2. Tate-zuki (vertical punch) and finally
3. (Gyaku-zuki reverse punch)

Ikken Hissatsu To Finish With One Strike!

The Japanese phrase Ikken Hissatsu is made up of three kanji, (ichi) meaning “one” , (ken) meaning “fist” and hissatsu meaning “certain kill or death”. To kill with one blow (ikken hissatsu) is a martial arts concept that, in todays modern world, very few karateka adhere to. No one knows for sure when ikken hissatsu first came into karate, but it may have originated from the samurai. Ichi Geki Hissatsu is an old samurai maxim which means “One strike, certain death“

A karateka who lived by this concept was the legendary karate Master, Masutatsu Oyama 1923-1994 He became known as the ‘Godhand’, a living manifestation of the Japanese samurais’ maxim, Ichi geki Hissatsu or “One strike, certain death”. In 1950, master Mas Oyama started testing his power by fighting bulls. He fought 52 bulls, three were killed instantly, and 49 had their horns smashed off with knife hand strikes. During later years, he took on all challengers and had fights with over 270 different people. Nearly all of these fighters were defeated with one punch! Most of the fights lasted a few seconds and none of the fights lasted more than three minutes. To Masutatsu Oyama, Ichi geki Hissatsu, was the true purpose of karate techniques.

A modern day karate master who also lives by this concept, is the amazing.....read more